Artwork by Toni Barreras Cobb

Toni, along with her mother Trudie, siblings, and even Sky (or Schuyler, named for great grandfather Ted) is enamored of dragons. This painting is entitled "Sky Dragon", and like many of her works, is done in acrylics on a 12" by 12" canvas panel. She calls her special technique "spotalism" and considers it tending towards the "crafty" end of the painting spectrum. However, her works are extremely varied, individualistic and creative.

Another favorite subject for Toni's work is sunsets and sailboats. One of the things that delights us all is her use of her "spotalism", especially in the mandala format, as major design elements.

This picture of a Purple Sunset is done in a different style and format. It is currently in the collection of Toni's niece Chrystine Gorman, who lives in Huntsville, AL. The Schuylers did not, of course, get to see the flowering of the creativity of their various descendants, but their heritage is definitely being sustained and cross-polinated.
"Tsaile Peak" is Toni's rendition of one of Trudie's favorite subjects. Perhaps people who like to "treasure hunt" will be able to find a watercolor or two of this same volcanic plug elsewhere in the website.
Two new submissions by Toni, both in large (24" x 30" format) are titled "Full Moon on Snow" and "Full Moon on Water". Both are done in what she calls a "Mosaicy" style, though painted in acrylic. |

Toni was given a challenge to do a rendition of a view of the planet Jupiter from an astronomical photograph. Here is the impressive result!
Hope Arch in Acrylic, 12" x 24", painted by Toni for Jennifer Gorman and Alberta Begay. This is the site of their wedding in March of 2017.