Gateway to Forever
"Gateway to Forever" by Lee Clarke Schuyler 1963. Oil. size 18x24. This is a painting of the Corrales Cemetery. From the collection of Ray & Trudie Barreras. After the move back to the Southwest in 2014, many of the Schuyler works that had previously been displayed in the seven-bedroom house on Drewry street had to go into storage. This painting, and the one by Ted below, were once in the "master bedroom" in Atlanta, and Trudie does miss not being able to see them daily.
"Loneliness" by Ted Schuyler circa 1949. This picture is from Tijeras Canyon, painted in oil using pointillism for the sky. There is a poem on the back of the painting: "Loneliness is in the mind that scans far horizons, to find the peace that in the dooryard lies, awaiting more discerning eyes." From the collection of Ray & Trudie Barreras. It holds deep spiritual meaning for Trudie.
Sandias in Winter
by Ted Schuyler. Watercolor, date uncertain. This painting shows the view from the north of the Sandia mountains after a snowfall. This painting, in the collection of Lorna Barreras and Mel Gorman, is another excellent example of Ted's superior watercolor technique.
Sandias at Sunset
Sandias at Sunset by Trudie Schuyler Barreras 2008. Acrylic. Sixe 18 x 24. Looking east from the West Mesa outside Albuquerque towards the Sandia Mountains with the City of Albuquerque and the Rio Grande in the foreground. This scene was a favorite of the Barreras children as they would come "down" from Tsaile, Arizona to visit the grandparents at 2111 Broadway. It is now in the collection of Chrystine Gorman, Trudie's eldest granddaughter.
City Lights and Storm from the Crest
Completed in July, 2013.
Ghost Mesa
.Ghost Mesa. by Lee Clarke Schuyler 1958. Oil. A view from memory of a scene in Raton Pass New Mexico during a freak April snowstorm. From the collection of Tish and Curt Gorman.
Cottonwood Glory
Cottonwood Glory by Lee Clarke Schuyler. Oil. No date, probably painted in the late '80's. From the collection of Tish and Curt Gorman.
"Reflections" by Lee Clarke Schuyler. Oil, dated 1958, 18 x 24. This is a unique landscape for New Mexico, since there is so little "still water" in the areas where the Schuylers typically went to paint. From the collection of Lorna Barreras and Melvin Gorman.