We are hoping that as others submit art that has not previously been published to this website, we can highlight it under this tab, at least temporarily.
High Country

This oil painting by Ted Schuyler, 20" x 24", was painted in 1957. It is in the collection of Tom Mitchell, who purchased it in Utah. It was possibly originally sold at an annual exhibition in Cedar City, Utah. Although Mr. Mitchell thinks it is reminiscent of Zion, it is quite possible that Ted actually painted it nearer to home, perhaps in the Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque, NM.
The Manicure

This drawing by Devon Gorman is featured twice, here because it is one of the newest additions to the website, and under her own tab. Devon began studies at Scripps in the fall of 2011, but thereafter attended UNM, studied as an exchange student in Japan, then taught in Japan during COVID. Returning to the US, she began graduate study in social work remotely from Northwestern University. Art has, at least for the time being, taken a back seat to other endeavors.
Portrait of a Young Woman

This oil painting by Lee Clarke Schuyler was submitted by Sylvia Jolly Buell, the daughter of Joe and Nancy Jolly. Although this can't be verified, it is believed to be a portrait of Sylvia's Aunt Margaret Neely Lindenschmidt.
Albuquerque House

Gifted by Ted Schuyler to Fred and Sherry Reames during their visit to Albuquerque around 1975. This watercolor was of an old house in Albuquerque (we think) and old houses and sheds were some of Ted's favorite subjects for painting. From the collection of Fred and Sherry Reames, Madison, WI. Watercolor 1959
Desert Shed

Also a gift to Fred & Sherry Reames on the occasion of their visit to Albuquerque, this painting shows the other favorite medium of Ted -- old sheds. From the collection of Fred and Sherry Reames, Madison, WI. Watercolor

This watercolor by Ted was given
to his grandniece, Janis Peters Snyder, on the occasion of her wedding in 1967, and is submitted by her daughter, Juli Gittinger. It is approximately 18" x 24".
to his grandniece, Janis Peters Snyder, on the occasion of her wedding in 1967, and is submitted by her daughter, Juli Gittinger. It is approximately 18" x 24".

This watercolor by Ted Schuyler was just submitted by Joe Woolstone, who comments, "You might have met my Mother, Katy Woolston, as she was heavily into the Junior League, Little Theater, Kappa Kappa Gammas, and wound up being a Food Reporter for the Albuquerque Tribune. Sadly, she and the Tribune have both passed into history, but I thought that if you knew her, you might have met us kids."
Joe included with the e-mail in which he sent this image (the painting was done in 1947, and is about 24" x 30" framed) an obit of Ted, and I note that his mom is especially likely to have known Ted via Little Theater.
Joe included with the e-mail in which he sent this image (the painting was done in 1947, and is about 24" x 30" framed) an obit of Ted, and I note that his mom is especially likely to have known Ted via Little Theater.
Ruth Schuyler Peters

This portrait of Ruth Schuyler Peters, painted by Ted in oil on canvas in the mid 1940's, was submitted by her great granddaughter, Juli Gittinger. Ruth is Ted's niece, the daughter of his brother Lee Hoyt. This painting, along with the accompanying portrait of her husband James Fowler Peters, show the couple dressed for square dancing, an enthusiasm shared by a number of the Schuyler relatives.
James Fowler Peters

The companion portrait to the one above, also painted by Ted in oil on canvas, dimensions approximately 12" x 16". These portraits were done of the newly-wed Peters', and may well have been as a wedding gift, since Ted was extremely fond of recognizing life's milestones such as graduations, weddings, and anniversaries with portraiture.
Big Peach at Sunset

Acrylic, 18" x 24", painted in December 2009. Although Trudie far prefers painting trees and mountains rather than buildings, the Atlanta skyline at sunset is fascinating and spectacular. This painting is now in the collection of Matt McClure and Josh Noble, who currently reside in "the Big Apple", and it seems appropriate that they have a remembrance of a "more modest skyline".
Bryce Canyon Bastions

By Trudie Schuyler Barreras, Acrylic, 16" x 20". Painted in 2009. The canyons of the Southwest never cease to fascinate. Although Trudie has painted many watercolors of the Canyon de Chelly area, she felt challenged to try to capture the grandeur of Utah's Bryce Canyon in acrylic. This painting is now in the collection of Tish and Curt Gorman in Albuquerque.
Golden Isle Sunrise

By Trudie Barreras. Acrylic, 11 x 14. Date March, 2010. Trudie recently had the opportunity to visit granddaughter Athena and her husband Bobby Jordan on St. Simons Island. Bobby, an exceptional host, accompanied her to view a sunrise over the water. This painting is in the collection of the Jordans.
West of the Lukachukais

By Trudie Barreras. Acrylic, 16 x 20, painted in 2009. This painting is from a trip to Arizona in 2007, when my daughter Lorna took me "exploring" in the fascinating rock country on the western end of the Lukachukai mountains north of her home in Chile. This painting is now in the collection of Jonathan (Jono) Gorman, my eldest grandson. Since he spent a good deal of his early childhood in the vicinity of this locale, hopefully it will give him a "taste of home" in his current residence in Milwaukee, WI.
Casey and John

Painted by Trudie shortly after the move from Tsaile to Atlanta, in the early 1980's. Oil, 18 x 24. The couple, knowing that Trudie enjoyed painting figure studies, and very much in love at the time, volunteered to pose. The background was from imagination. Although Tish resisted having this item added to the website, in view of the "tenor of the times", this is offered for those who are willing to be open-minded.