In the Garden
"In the Garden" Ted Schuyler. Oil. 1964 From the collection of Toni & Rick Cobb. Many of the paintings by the Schuylers from the sixties, while Trudie and Ray were in graduate school in Michigan, were in the home of their younger daughter Noelle, where they lived from around 1979 until they joined Ray and Trudie in Atla ta in 1987. Although a number of these works came East when the artists moved, Some were not acquired until after Ted's death in 1990 and the memorial exhibition held at that time.
"Peonies" by Ted Schuyler. Oil. 1966. From the collection of Toni & Rick Cobb. For a short while Ted had a gallery in Albuquerque where he both taught art classes and sold paintings, his own and those of other New Mexico artists. It was during this period that many of his large oil studies such as this floral still life, date.
"Zinnias" by Ted Schuyler. Oil. 1940. From the collection of Toni & Rick Cobb
Birds of Paradise
by Lee Clarke Schuyler, Oil. 18 x 24. Lee did relatively few large still-life studies, although she did a number of delightful small studies of iris and amaryllis blooms. This painting dates from the 1960's, and was a favorite of both Trudie and Noelle. It is in the collection of Diana Guinn.
Santa Clara Pot and Bear
"Santa Clara Pot and Bear" Still Life by Trudie Schuyler Barreras. Acrylic. 1973. Originally from the collection of Toni & Rick Cobb, this small work has now also migrated to Rio Rancho, where it has joined Tish and Curt Gorman's extensive collection of Indian artifacts including the ones depicted here.